Genius Solutions To Everyday Problems
This bar top has a refrigerated well in it to keep your drink cold
This flash drive has a capacity meter.
In Beijing, Subway riders are allowed to pay by recycling plastic bottles.
Students homework has a barcode that when scanned takes him to an instructional video posted by his teacher.
Store clerks can tell whether youd like help, or can figure everything out yourself.
Dentist installed a Waldo? ceiling panel to keep patients occupied during appointments.
This athletic apparel store has a Winter simulator to test winter jackets.
A restaurant uses chairs that have purse/bag holders.
Rotating bench keeps seats dry after rain hits.
Avocado has a color chart sticker notifying you when its ripe.
This cigarette bin lets you vote for things, promoting a clean environment at the same time.
This library offers a variety of cake pans to borrow and bake with.
Elevator buttons conveniently located near your feet, for those times when your hands are full.
Pet station at the airport.
Elementary school classroom has desk with pedals so kids can move around while learning.
Highlighter with a clear tip so you can see what youre highlighting.
This vehicle won’t let you drive until you buckle your seatbelt.
A toilet paper roll with a smaller roll inside to on the go.
An exit ramp for critters that get stuck in your pool.
A tie that has a microfiber lining to clean your handheld electronics.
A drinking fountain with a catch for dogs.
A motorcycle jacket with with signal and brake lights.
This sign moves the when the are closed.
Rental car in Europe has a dashboard sticker to remind you what side of the street to drive on.
This school has skateboard parking.
This picnic table offers seating for adults, a high chair and a kids table all in one.
This ATM lets you select what type of bills you want.
Gas pumps that hang from the roof, so it doesn’t matter which side your gas cap is on.
A trash can with a bottle rack so people dont have to dig through the garbage to find bottles and cans.
Shower handle with a thermometer for water temperature.
This hotel offers makeup towels that won’t show all the smudges.
This restaurant gives you the option to buy a six pack for the kitchen crew.
This cafe has a credit card tip jar.
Japanese pack of gum comes with small post its to throw gum away in.
Bar has an are where you can rent a locker to store your phone and charge while you drink.
This urinal allows you to flush with your feet.
This McDonald’s has a walk-through.
A separate alarm for medical emergencies.
This restroom has a touchless door control.
Plastic spoon has a built-in toothpick.
This carton of OJ lets you see how many glasses are left inside.
New huge date stamps on milk.
Magic mirror lets you try on fully interactive virtual clothes.