Internet’s Biggest 3D Challenge

Sitback, relax and be inspired by some of the world’s finest CG artists…

In the course of a month, Jones laid down his “Alternate Realities CG Challenge” digitally in the CG community as he gave a starting animation of a humanoid that travested a desolate environment in a huge globe. It wasn’t too aesthetically, nevertheless, it gave worlds of opportunities for many.

These highlights range from wolves, explorers to medieval soldiers. You can see the insane amount of enthusiasm, passion, ingenuity and originality in each work, as it seems to contain a whole narrative plot in each seven Second Clip.

Jones adds that more than 2,400 artists finally submitted compositions that he had to whittle down to the top 100—with the top five awards from 3D animation and motion companies such as Rokoko, Wacom, Quixel, PNY and Aftershokz.